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Forex Trading Strategy

If experience has taught us anything, it's that smart investors need a Forex trading strategy with proven results. At NetPicks, we know that expertise speaks louder than words—and we offer over the knowledge gained through a decade of Forex trading strategy successes.

With our dynamic online system, Forex ActiveTrader, NetPicks provides subscribers with intelligent breaking picks, in-depth trend analysis and a robust means of execution. From online seminars to biweekly newsletter, NetPicks is committed to one thing—ensuring your financial success.

Sign up for the free online trial today
and discover the kind of portfolio increase that NetPicks can bring.

We Offer Two Valuable Trading
Services and Products

The NetPicks Self Trader &

The NetPicks AutoTrader

For the largest and most actively traded markets in the world. Plus...

Universal Market Trader Trading Course &Strategy

Trade multiple markets, in multiple timeframes with outstanding trading opportunities everyday.

New Forex AutoTrading - Historical
Trade Results

2006        +121.91‰
2005        +48.95‰
2004        +98.91‰
2003        +83.78‰

*Actual Unaudited Results Of The NetPicks AutoTrader. Performance Fee Not Deducted.

 E-Mini Annual Performance

S&P         +181 points
DOW       +1,179 points
RUSSELL+208 points
DAX        +2.998 points

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